Wednesday 25 March 2015

Spring, sea kayak season 'is open'

So here we are again.

Spring time, 20th March, we decided to have our first sea kayak trip at our nearest location, Broughty Ferry.

Just by coincident, it was a day to observe an eclipse, whats a bonus. I was glad sun kept clouds away and the trip was an amazing success. We set off, from the beach, by the castle at 8.30am. It was a LW time. We crossed the Firth of Tay first and follow the southern shore to the sea.
Throughout the trip we had minimal amount of wind and waves making this trip extremely pleasant. It really didn't feel like it's real. As we have been exposed to the sun all morning, moment of darkness was not as obvious as you would expect. Nevertheless, it was great to kayak during the eclipse.

All journey took us around two hours, of pleasant paddling with a little bit of tidal race on the way back. We have been very lucky with the weather, which resulted with few nice pictures (see samples below). If you ever fancy trying sea kayaking, get in touch. Our email is